Национален форум за съвременни космически изследвания 2024 |

Национален форум за съвременни космически изследвания 2024

22.10.2024 ( 09:30 ) | Sofia Tech Park - The Venue | ВХОД: 50/100

22.10.2024 – 24.10.2024

Националният форум за съвременни космически изследвания (НаФСКИ) демонстрира последните достижения на образованието, науката и бизнеса в България в областта на Космоса.

Петото издание на НаФСКИ се организира от клон Космос към Съюза на физиците в България, Института по астрономия с Национална астрономическа обсерватория – БАН и Платформа за популярна наука Ratio. Събитието събира под един покрив водещи имена от страната и чужбина и отваря нови възможности за взаимодействие.

Събитието ще се проведе присъствено и на английски език. Комуникацията и материалите също ще бъдат на английски.

In English

The National Forum on Contemporary Space Research (NaFSKI) seeks to demonstrate the latest breakthroughs and achievements of space science and technology.

The fifth edition of NaFSKI is organised by Branch Cosmos of UPB, the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory – BAS and Ratio popular science communication platform. It gathers leading researchers and innovators from Bulgaria and beyond, creating new opportunities for collaboration.

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лв. 50.00


22 октомври, 09:30 – 18:30 ч.

Сесия: Space industry

  • Dimitar Dimitrov [Wiser Technology] (30 мин)
  • Zdravko Dimitrov [Sfera Technologies] (30 мин)
  • Viktor Danchev [Endurosat] (30 мин)
  • Georgi Kaludov [IBM] (30 мин)
  • Stela Tkatchova [European Innovation Council] (поканен доклад)  Breakthrough research and innovations for space debris mitigation, remediation and in space servicing and future space technology “game changers” (30 мин)

Сесия: Space industry

  • Jennifer Ngo-Anh [ESA] (30 мин)
  • Simon Jenner [Axiom Space] (30 мин)
  • Petko Dinev [ImperX] (30 мин)
  • Freddy Geyer [Thales Alenia] (30 мин)

Дискусионен панел: What niche in the space industry should we focus on as a country? (90 мин)

23 октомври, 09:30 – 18:30 

Сесия: New infrastructure & instrumentation

  • Zoran Simic [Astronomical Observatory Belgrade] (invited talk)  Urban Observatory – Light Pollution (30 мин)
  • Dragomir Marchev [University of Shumen] (invited talk)  The new instrumentation at the Astronomical center of Shumen University (30 мин)
  • Milen Minev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] New 1.5 m telescope at NAO-Rozhen (15 мин)
  • Stanimir Kolev [Sofia University] Plasma Physics and Technologies at the Faculty of Physics, Sofia University (15 мин)
  • Kiril Kirilov [Petascale Supercomputer Bulgaria] Discoverer supercomputer (15 мин) 
  • Marusja Buchvarova [Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS] Space Physics Group: From Intercosmos to Star Wars (15 мин)

Сесия: Astrophysics

  • Trifon Trifonov [Sofia University] (invited talk)  Searching for Exoplanets in the 21st Century (30 мин)
  • Oliver Roberts [NASA Marshall Space Flight Center / USRA Science and Technology Institute] (invited talk) Cosmic Fireworks: Revealing the Mysteries of the High-Energy Universe (30 мин)
  • Yuliya Mutafchieva [INRNE – BAS] Neutron star crusts and the influence of strong magnetic fields on their structure and composition (15 мин)
  • Vladislav Marchev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Following the evolution of the mass accretion rate in symbiotic stars (15 мин)

Сесия: Near Earth & Solar system

  • Adrian Sonka [Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy] (invited talk)  Rotational and physical properties of resonant minor planets (30 мин)
  • Diana Besliu-Ionescu [Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy] (invited talk)  High Speed Streams: Cataloguing and Understanding Geoeffectiveness (30 мин)
  • Antoaneta Antonova [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] The Dark and Quiet Skies initiative (15 мин)
  • Guergana Guerova [Sofia University] GNSS radio occultation use for atmospheric remote sensing (15 мин)
  •  Kolyo Dankov [Sofia University] Exploring the heterogenic mineral composition of diverse set of meteorites by XRF and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy (15 мин)
  • Plamen Fiziev [Foundation for Theoretical and Computational Physics and Astrophysicds] New Methods for Using Spherical Harmonics in Analysis of Satellite Data (15 мин)

Постерна сесия: мини-презентации (90 мин)

24 октомври, 09:30 – 18:30 

Сесия: Space weather research

  • Mark Dierckxsens [Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy] (invited talk)  Space Weather and Space Physics Research at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (30 мин)
  •  Artem Epifanov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Constraining the SEP Source Population in Global Transport Modeling Using Parker Solar Probe Measurements (15 мин)

Сесия: Solar observations

  • Werner Poetzi [Kanzelhöhe Observatory, University of Graz] Kanzelhöhe Space Weather data products and possible future contributions of NAO Bulgaria (15 мин)
  • Rositsa Miteva [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Geo-efficiency of solar active regions (15 мин)
  •  Tsvetan Tsvetkov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Research on the solar corona during total solar eclipses (15 мин)

Сесия: Radio astronomy

  • Kamen Kozarev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] The LOFAR Telescope Upgrade and LOFAR-BG Station – Current Status and Future Developments (15 мин)
  •  Vergil Yotov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Characterizing solar activity using LOFAR observations (15 мин)
  • Peter Petkov [Technical University of Sofia] Antennas for Solar observations in Low and High Frequency Bands (15 мин)
  • Pavlina Alexieva [Technical University of Sofia] Performance comparison of low frequency antenna elements (15 мин)

Сесия: Machine learning

  • Oleg Stepanyuk [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] (invited talk)  Segmentation and Tracking of Eruptive Solar Phenomena with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and beyond (30 мин)
  • Christoph Schirninger [University of Graz] Deep learning image burst stacking to reconstruct high-resolution ground-based solar observations (15 мин)
  • Mariana Filipova [University of Library Studies and Information Technologies] Developing a machine learning algorithm for classifying space objects using open data sources (15 мин)

Сесия: Space technology

  • Joost Vanreusel [ESA Academy] (30 мин)
  • Stoil Ivanov [Sofia University] (30 мин)

Дискусионен панел: What niche in the space industry should we focus on as a country? (90 мин)

НаФСКИ-V се организира от Клон КосмосИнститут по астрономия с НАО – БАН и RATIO и представители на Физически факултет – СУ и Софийски Университет “Св. Климент Охридски”