
Ratio Presents: Seagrass – a meadow of life

Ratio Presents: Seagrass – a meadow of life

15.05.2021 (11:00) | Sofia Tech Park | ВХОД: СВОБОДЕН

Ако не знаете каква е разликата между морска трева и водорасли (за което заглавната визия на това събитие няма да ви помогне), пригответе се да бъдете впечатлени. Морската трева всъщност е земно растение, което е решило отново да приключенства в дълбините. Представете си цъфтящи ливади под водата ❤ А ако въображението ви не стига дотам – елате на 15 май, където не само ще ви покажем как изглежда морската трева, но и ще разберете много повече за нея!


Присъствието на събитието е безплатно след регистрация тук.

>> Събитието ще се проведе на английски. The event will be held in English <<<

Seagrasses are unique in the marine environment in being flowering plants with an origin from plants on land. In contrast to algae, they have the ability to anchor themselves to sandy or muddy bottoms where they can form dense meadows that play very important roles in coastal ecosystems.

The meadows create a living space for many small animals and algae and constitute important nursery habitats as they also provide shelter and food for young stages of fish. Seagrasses, therefore, increase both the production and biodiversity of plants and animals where they grow.

They also dampen the wave energy and stabilize the bottom, which decreases sediment erosion, creates clear water, and allows the meadow to store large amounts of organic material rich in carbon and nutrients in the sediment. This marine plant is important to humans because provides them with several important ecosystem services, including mitigation of climate change and eutrophication.

Unfortunately, seagrasses are very sensitive to disturbance as they often grow close to human activities and are dependent on clear water conditions for survival. In the last century, they have decreased in distribution at an alarming rate all around the world, with large negative effects on the coastal ecosystems as a consequence.
In the present talk, our speaker will use the eelgrass ecosystems in Sweden to exemplify the many different values of seagrasses, why they are threatened, and what can be done to protect them and help them come back, including new methods for eelgrass restoration.

About the speaker

/// Това събитие е част от програмата на Софийския фестивал на науката, организиран от Британски съвет под патронажа на Министерството на образованието и науката и в партньорство със Столична община.