

Ratio е подкаст за любопитни хора. В него ще чуете неформални разговори, свързани или вдъхновени от науката. Ние не сме експерти в нито една област - но за щастие нашите гости са. Епизодите ни са на български или английски език, в зависимост от гостите, които участват. Чуйте ги!

EP41 – Urban architecture, from kibbutz to Kreuzberg [w/ Gili Ron]

In this episode, we talk with Gili Ron, an architect, algorithmic designer, and artist. We spoke about the many, often imperceptible but substantial ways in which design and architecture have an impact on our daily life.

We asked Gili:

  • What is algorithmic design and what it brings to our world today?
  • How design affects personal mood and community wellbeing?
  • How big is too big when it comes to both cities and individual buildings?
  • What place do monuments from the past have in our future?

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About the podcast

Ratio Podcast is a program for intellectually curious people. We’re having informal conversations, connected with or inspired by science. Bear in mind, we’re not experts on basically anything – but thankfully most of our guests are.

You can check out more episodes via RSS, in StitcheriTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud. Most episodes are in Bulgarian, but we do interviews with international guests, as well.